Copenhagen Sailing School – Learn to sail, learn to navigate. Teaching in small groups. Sailing with a maximum of 4 students and 6 on the navigation courses. There is time for the individual student and combined with intensive and targeted teaching we quickly achieve the desired results.
The courses
At the school we believe that almost everyone can learn to sail and navigate and that it doesn't necessarily have to take oceans of time. Almost all of our courses are therefore intensive courses. You can find our courses here and in the menu at the top under “Courses in English”. If you would like help with registration or have further questions, you are more than welcome to contact us. Welcome.
Certificate of Proficiency in Sailing
The certificate of competency is recommended because it gives you the best conditions to travel at sea, for the benefit of your safety and that of others. The instruction is tailored to new and slightly experienced recreational sailors. You will learn about maritime regulations, navigation, maritime safety, prevention and fighting of fires in small vessels and protection of the marine environment.
Complete proficiency course in English in 2 modules, Navigation and practical sailing, booked separately under courses in English in the menu.
Yacht Skipper 3 & 1
Theoretical superstructure on 2 levels.
Yachtskipper 3 (Y3) is the first of two exams that form a theoretical superstructure on the certificate of competency. Passing the exam together with a vision and hearing test gives a Certificate of Competency and access to navigate pleasure craft between 15 – 24 meters in Nordic waters. Coming soon in English

Proficiency test in engine maintenance
Proficiency test in engine maintenance, get to know your marine engine. In addition, an engine maintenance certificate is required for sailing in recreational vessels over 15 meters, with engine power above 100 kW (134hp) but under 750 kW (1005hp) for now only in Danish.
About the school
Copenhagen Sailing School is Denmark's oldest and largest private sailing school. We have been at sea as a sailing school since 1975, and again this year we offer future and current sailors intensive courses. Our recipe is dynamic, targeted and active learning with professional instructors.
We look forward to welcoming you on board!